About Liz
My “why” is watching you succeed. I believe in my clients and their dreams. I help them achieve big things and am there at the finish line to celebrate when they do. Moreover, I appreciate their journey because I’ve walked it myself.
See, I come from a family of entrepreneurs. As a teen back on the shores of Cape Cod I learned from the best — my dad. He was an inventor. If he saw a need, he’d find a way to solve it. He taught me how to think outside the box, to support others and how to sell like your mortgage depends on it.
28 years and 8 businesses later, I’ve sold everything from $40 jewellery out of the trunk of my car to $1M in pens. I’ve become a sales ninja — approaching problems from every angle. More importantly though, I have mastered building the lasting, authentic relationships that bring in regular, reliable sales and create lifelong connections. And now my joy is to share that learning with you.